Saturday, October 31, 2009

Figure Drawing 2 Week 10

Week 10 Recap - Tuesday we had the first of two Anatomy Lab visits. Students were able to draw from live life specimens @ the MVCC campus. Thursday we began long pose portrait drawing. The next anatomy visit will be thursday nov 5th. Students were also given the assignment of taking a system of the body and making a large drawing for a future show of the human body.

Painting 1 Week 10

Week 10 Recap - Tues and Thurs we continued working on the Palette project and grade sheets were given back with the previous painting projects.

Figure Drawing 1 Week 10

Week 10 Recap - Tuesday and Thursday we made charcoal portraits from live models. Emphasis was placed on proper proportion. A video of portrait proportions by Daniel Greene was shown at the beginning of Tuesdays class.

Printmaking: Relief Week 10

Week 10 recap - Monday and Wednesday we worked on the Green print project with critique coming up two weeks from Wednesday. Also on Wednesday we attended the Sculpture space lecture for Miriam Ellen Ewers a former print maker turned sculptor.

2D Design Week 10

Week 10 Recap - Monday we submitted our final sketches with color notes. The Abstract Narrative project was also introduced and students formed groups to choose a literary theme and make a shape key. Wednesday we mounted our final symbol designs and held critique for the project. The shape key was due to be turned in.

Figure Drawing 2 Week 9

Week 9 Recap - Tuesday we made long pose drawings of the hands and feet on toned paper. Thursday we lectured on the features of the face: eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Painting 1 Week 9

Week 9 Recap - This week we again continued with the Palette project studio lab time. Again Critique will be held on Nov 11th

Figure Drawing 1 Week 9

Week 9 Recap - This week we finished working on our Portrait stations. Students were asked to look for proportion, structure and tone in that order to make well crafted drawings. PST. Demonstration examples included life portrait, cast drawing of Venus di Milo and a skull drawing.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Printmaking: Relief Week 9

Week 9 Recap - This week we continued to work during lab time on the Green project. Students should have substrate and design close to finished plan. A template should be used to print each stage no matter the substrate type. Project 4 Intaglio stages Mythology Alphabet project was introduced. Each student will chose a different letter. Critique for project 3 will occur on Nov. 11th

2D Design Week 9

Week 9 Recap - Monday we worked on the thumbnail (10) stage of the element (fire, water, earth, air) symbol. Wednesday lab time focused on the rough sketch (3) phase of the symbol design. The next week we will turn in the final sketch on Monday and have Critique for the final piece on Wednesday. Presentation will be a large part of the grading process.

Figure Drawing 2 Week 8

Week 8 Recap - Thursday we discussed the anatomy of the hands and feet.

Painting 1 Week 8

Week 8 Recap - Thursday we held critique for the first projects Warm/Cool and Inprimatura. Lab time for Palette project.

Figure Drawing 1 Week 8

Week 8 Recap - With only Thursday class, we began the Portrait Station Project. Students will draw from three stations, Live Model, Classical Cast and the Planar Head/Skull. These drawings will be graded at the end of next week.

Printmaking: Relief Week 8

Week 8 Recap - This week we held the Critique for Project 2 Color Reduction Print series.

2D Design Week 8

Week 8 Recap- Tuesday was Monday classes, we watched a video on drawing and rendering techniques as well as had a demo on painting application with acrylic. Students received midterm grade information. Wednesday we held critique for the Big/Small project.

Figure Drawing 2 Week 7

Week 7 Recap - This week the Lecture and drawing focused on the Lower Arm muscles and bones. We also had a homework assignment of copying hand drawings from the textbook.

Painting 1 Week 7

Week 7 Recap - This week we set up and began painting on our Palette project pieces. Choosing items from the matrix on the handout and the last post to get A+B+C= piece #1. The next two paintings will use the items that are not used from each category.

Figure Drawing 1 Week 7

Week 7 Recap - This week we continued working with cross contour drawing and also re introduced the concept of plumbline vs. centerline of the figure.

Printmaking: Relief Week 7

Week 7 Recap - This week was dedicated to working on Project 3 the Green Multi-Block print. We also finished up the Color Redux project for critique on Oct 14th.

2D Design Week 7

Week 7 Recap - This week we began work on Project 4 the Big/Small proportion project. Make something Big look small and make something Small look big by creating a context that establishes the normal proportion.

Figure Drawing 2 Week 6

Week 6 Recap - Tuesday we presented the lower leg anatomy lecture. Thursday we held the Upper Arm anatomy.

Painting 1 Week 6

Week 6 Recap - Tuesday we finished the Wet in Wet piece to our Inprimatura project. The Palette project was also introduced. Thursday we began lab time for the Palette project and a demo was given. The Categories for the project are A. Wet in Wet, Shellac or Abstract/Pointillist B. Full, Glaze or Limited Earth palette (black, white, alizarin crimson, raw sienna) C. Vanitas, Still Life or a Theme 2-7 from the textbook ( flowers, landscape, cityscape, portrait, figure painting, abstract)

Figure Drawing 1 Week 6

Week 6 Recap - Tuesday we finished working on foreshortened figure poses. Thursday we began drawing figures with cross contour lines to describe the forms of the pose.

Printmaking: Relief Week 6

Week 6 Recap - Monday and Wednesday we finalized our Color Reduction prints for critique.

2D Design Week 6

Week 6 Recap - Monday we finished our lecture/discussion on the Principals of Composition. Wednesday we held critique #3 for the Atmospheric Perspective project.