Saturday, February 26, 2011

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 6

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 6

Week 6 Recap - This week we had a long pose for an extended torso drawing. Thursday we attended a Picasso lecture followed by an Anatomy lecture on the Upper Leg. Next week Lower leg and the Arm.

Friday, February 25, 2011

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 6

Week 6 Recap - Both days this week we worked on projects 1 and 2 with critique set for Tuesday. Projects 3 - 5 were more clearly defined.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 6

Week 6 Recap - Both class sessions this week we worked on the Color Blot project. On Thursday we held a quick critique to assess the success of examples A and B. Also Thursday we introduced project 4 color pixel.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 6

Week 6 Recap - We had a demonstration on making an etching with the acid bath. This was done in three stages on each day. Setting the plate in the acid bath for 10 minute intervals. A due date for critique was set for Wednesday March 2nd.

Friday, February 18, 2011

SA 300 London Paris Week 5

William Blake's Songs of Innocence with the Songs of Experience next week.

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 5

Week 5 Recap - This week we focused on the major landmarks of the body, the 6 parts of light and on Thursday Torso Anatomy. Tuesday will be long pose for the torso.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 5

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 5

Week 5 Recap- Both classes this week focused on finishing projects 1 and 2 for critique next week. Projects 3-5 were introduced and students should be aware of both the Signature deadline and the upcoming Student Show.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 5

FA 106 Color Theory Week 5

Week 5 Recap- This week we primarily worked on project 2 color interaction. We held critique for this project on Thursday at the end of class. Also on Thursday we introduced project 3 Color Ink Blot (please see video demonstration).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 5

Week 5 Recap - This week we held our first critique for project 1 on Monday. Students turned in an Edition of 3 prints, while mounting 1 of the 3 on matte board. Wednesday those prints were turned in and graded. Students should now be working on our Max Ernst project. Other artists that were mentioned during class were: Anders Zorn, Al Hirshfeld, Heinrich Kley, Gustave Dore, Philip Burke, Charles D Gibson and Honore Daumier.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 4 Recap - This week we took a slow approach to creating space with the figure. Adding a background students added to 7 figures student ended with a sample of what the midterm exercise will be.

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 4

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 4

Week 4 Recap - This week we continued working on projects 1 & 2. A demonstration of shellac portrait process was done for both sections. Flesh tone was discussed both from the "Portrait Atelier" and on the physical palette. Most contain a mixture of White, Raw Sienna and Alizarin Crimson. Art talk 2011 was begun and will continue next week as well as project 3 will be introduced formally.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 4

FA 106 Color Theory Week 4

Week 4 Recap - We turned in the Color Match project and began working on project 2 Color Interaction. A demonstration of a squid and whale matrix was made.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 4

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 4

Week 4 Recap -
This week we used both labs to continue to work on Project 1 Drypoint. Monday demonstrations on tearing paper and setting up a template were given. Wednesday demonstrations for matting a print. Monday will be critique #1 and Project 2 Hardground will be introduced with a demo. Project 2 theme: Max Ernst and "Une Semaine de Bonde" a (week of kindness or madness).

Saturday, February 5, 2011

SA 300 London Paris Week 3

Here are the two journal entries I made based on Revelations 16 and the Trojan horse

SA 300 London Paris Week 3

Week 3 Recap - class was canceled, campus closed

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 3

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 3

Week 3 Recap - Both sessions this week focused on creating the figure in space. Students were given steps to create guide lines to aid in pushing figures into deep space while maintaining proper scale. Next week will focus on creating value and adding a background to this concept.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 3

Week 3 Recap - Painting 1 study students were given demonstrations in both Wipe out technique (Burnt Umber) and Wet in Wet technique (BU+White). Both focus on starting techniques that can aid in setting strong values early in a painting.
Painting 2 students worked on both the portrait and object projects with demonstrations for these projects to come next week.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 3

FA 106 Color Theory Week 3

Week 3 Recap - Tuesday a demonstration on creating a background for your color match presentation was given, Thursday ...

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 3

Week 3 Recap - Due to bad weather we only had classes on Monday. The studio session focused on selecting your image and beginning to transfer it to your plate. Students should have a proof of their print this upcoming week and expect a critique for project 1 on Feb 21st.