Friday, October 28, 2011

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2

Portrait 1 - Steve
Week 10 Recap - This week we focused on the Portrait and specifically the features of the face.  Eyes, nose, mouth and ears.  Video clips by Daniel Green "Portrait Drawing" and Bob Kato "Drawing the Male Head".  Next week more portraits.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 10

Week 10 Recap - This week palette project continued.  Demo was a grisaille painting with glazing coming in next week.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 10

Color Ribbon
Week 10 Recap - This week we finished up the Color Ribbon project.  Thursday we had critique on the ribbon's progress.  Next week Harmony Compliment project.  Organic vs. Geometric, Harmony vs. Compliment and Fibonacci (growth) vs. Albertti (visual chords)

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing

Death Dollars
Week 10 Recap - This week we continued working on the three main projects for the semester.  Growth Drawing, Research Project and the Final.  Sketchbook check up on Nov 16th.

FA 105 2D Design Week 10

Tattoo Symbol - Fire
Week 10 Recap - Monday we continued working on the Tattoo/Symbol Design project.  Students submitted their 10 thumbnail sketches by the end of class.  Wednesday we held critique for the project.  During the week the Abstract Narrative project was introduced and students formed groups to choose a story and make a plan for the Key and what scene each person in the group will make. On Monday the Key for the story will be due at the end of class.

Friday, October 21, 2011

FA 106 Color Theory Week 9

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 9

Hand foot Homework Due Nov 22nd
Week 9 Recap - This week we focused on the Anatomy of the Hands and Feet.  With a lecture and some long pose drawings from the casts and model.  Next week we will look at the features of the face and the portrait.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 9

Shellac, A la Prima, Food Theme
Week 9 Recap - This week students began creating the Palette project paintings.  Students will choose from a selection of Styles (A la prima, Wet in Wet, Shellac, Abstraction, Pointalist or School {Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese}) 
Palettes (Mud, Full, Glaze, Grisaille, Old master) 
Subjects (Vanitas, Food, Candy, Plant, Bottles, Landscape, Portrait, or other theme from the COP text).  *Note : students will now only need to make 3 palette paintings for final critique.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 9

Color Ribbon stage 3
Week 9 Recap - This week students finished turning in their pixel portraits/eggs and began the color ribbon project.  This project is meant to show light, color and space at the same time.  Students were given a Process for creation: 1. Thumbnail sketch  2. Design layout  3. Value shading and light source placement  4. Wash in of light and shadow local colors for 1 strip of color  5. Form value adjustments to create transitions  6. Final detail adjustments  7. Apply color scheme to other strips of ribbon. 

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 9

The Walrus and the Carpenter
Week 9 Recap - This week students were introduced to the collaboration research project.  Students will research an artists technique and give a short report on that style while creating either a solo or collaborative piece using that same style. The Growth drawing demonstration saw the addition of the Jabberwocky and a third sheet of paper.

FA 105 2D Design Week 9

Thumbnails and Rough
Week 9 Recap - This week students received their midterm grades and began work on the Tattoo / Symbol Design project.  Students were asked to create 10 thumbnails, 3 roughs and a final piece mounted with a cover sheet for clean professional presentation.

Friday, October 14, 2011

SA 300 Study Abroad Italy

Il Duomo
Week 8 - Sign up for this course now!!! The course begins in a few weeks and this trip will be amazing!  Venice, Florence, Rome and Pompeii. Our EF Tour number is 1041781.
The course number is SA300 Italy, CRN 24266 for Spring 2012

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 8

Shiva and Ganesh
Week 8 Recap - Having finished the anatomy lectures on the legs and arms, students made a multi-pose drawing of each.  Using a Shiva concept for basis drawings were focused on the arms.  Hands and Feet lecture on Tuesday.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 8

Cool Monochrome
Week 8 Recap - This week we held the Midterm Critique! Our grading focused on the projects 1-6: Grisaille, Wipe Out, Wet in Wet, Warm/Cool Tonal, Limited Earth and Color Box. Highlights from these paintings will be hung in the hallway display cases next week.  The Palette Project 2.0 will begin on Tuesday.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 8

Week 8 Recap - With our shortened week students continued working on the pixel project with that being the final project added to the midterm grading. Introduction to the Color ribbon project was made.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 8

Growth Draw
Week 8 Recap - This week we finished up our drawings and held our Midterm critique.  Students also submitted sketchbooks for grading which should equal out to 14hours of drawing to this point.  Next sketchbook check up will be on Nov 16th with a total of 24 entries at that point. Demo added the walrus and carpenter to the skull and a bit of the jabberwocky!

FA 105 2D Design Week 8

Tiny Mammoth
Week 8 Recap - This week we had a back to back schedule, holding class on Tues and Wed. Students turned in their Space project for grading and began working on the Big/Small project.  Using background and context students will attempt to make something big look small (tiny mammoth) and something small look big (big apple in NYC). Due Wed next week for critique.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 7

Homework #3 Arms and Knees
Week 7 Recap - This week we focused on the Anatomy of the Arm for lecture #3.  Next Thursdays' class students will have time to make a long pose drawing of the arms and legs for midterm.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 7

Color Box Simplified
Week 7 Recap - This week we aimed at finishing up the Color box project for the critique on the 13th.  Critique will cover the first 6 paintings of the semester (grisaille, wipe out, wet in wet, warm/cool tonal, limited earth and color box). The Palette Project 2.0 was introduced as the next project.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FA 106 Color Theory Week 7

Week 7 Recap - This week we continued to work on the pixel project.  Critique for the pixel project will be on Thursday Oct 13th.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 7

Week 7 Recap - Monday and Wednesday we continued working on final midterm drawings.  Two finished drawings (including 1 of the chosen object) will be due for critique on Wed Oct 12th. Students were also encouraged to start their Growth drawing project.

FA 105 2D Design Week 7

Medusa - Kayla Cook
Week 7 Recap - Monday and Wednesday we continued to work on the atmospheric space project holding critique on Wednesday.  The Big/Small project.