Friday, February 27, 2015

FA 106 Color Theory PM Week 6

This week students in the PM class also reviewed the examples C&B while working on finishing their own example exercises. Next week students will begin the Faces of the Mohawk Valley project with the Family theme.

FA 210 Digital Painting Week 6

On Tuesday students reviewed collaging an image and transform tools for the wet blending project. Students also submitted their wipe out painting with a process notebook. Thursday students continued work on the blending project as some approaches for working in myPaint were provided. 

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 6

This week students should have finished the union/separation project and begin work on both the historical palette portrait and the Faces of the Mohawk valley portrait. April 23 is the due date for the Faces project and we will critique projects 1&2 on Thursday March 11th.

FA 106 Color Theory AM Week 6

This week students reviewed the concepts of examples C (color vibration) & B (2 different colors looking like the same 1 color) from the color field theory project. This will be turned in next week for grading and the pixel Faces project will be introduced. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

FA 106 Color Theory PM Week 5

Students worked on design and layout for the color field theory project 

FA 210 Digital Painting Week 5

This week students finished work on both the brush creation exercise and the wipe out project. The wet in wet blending project was introduced as students will need to use myPaint to complete the project.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 5

This week students should be finishing the third of the union paintings and beginning the portrait. The Shawn Barber portrait Faces of MV project was introduced as demo for the warm/cool portrait palette was given.

FA 106 Color Theory AM Week 5

This week students worked on the double faces/ paint blots designing and layout. 

FA 106 Color Theory PM Week 4

Student finished the color space project as grading began and the color field theory project was introduced.

FA 210 Digital Painting Week 4

This week students worked on the transparent imprimatura wipe out project while working on both masks and brushes palette. Exercises in lego and brush building were given. 

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 4

This week students continued to finish the union/separation project. Demonstrations on the Caravaggio and Rembrandt pieces continued.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

FA 106 Color Theory AM Week 4

This week students finished making the color match presentations for the color space project. The color field theory project was introduced and part 1 design concepts were demonstrated. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

FA 106 Color Theory PM Week 3

Tuesday students worked on making color matches from paint swatches focusing on matching the correct hue, value, intensity and temperature. This is the final exercise of the color space project.

FA 210 Digital Painting Week 3

This week students finished work on both the brush control exercises and the Grisaille painting. Thursday the transparent imprimatura wipe out was introduced. Next week brush textures, masking and warping.

FA Painting 2 Week 3

This week students should have started painting two of the Union/separation project. Portraits for Caravaggio and Rembrandt styles were started. Wipe out demo was completed and the wet in wet project begun.

FA 106 Color Theory AM Week 3

This week students worked on making color matches from paint swatches focusing on matching the correct hue, value, intensity and temperature. This is the final exercise of the color space project. Grades were handed back for the warm cool color hues and the complimentary and harmony scales.