This week after designing the ink blots and double cot out faces, students began laying out the design for examples A-D. Color tests should be done before execution of each exercise. Demonstration for A (1 color looking like 2) and B (high and low intensity plus a compliment) were on Tuesday while C (color vibration) on Thursday.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
FA 210 Digital Painting Week 6
This week students began work on the Environment Design project, demonstration walked through how to make simple trace thumbnails from other artists work to better understand and analyze good design and composition. Layers for this project should include: drawing, value block-in, fore ground, mid ground and background. Students should be using myPaint and Photoshop for some portion of this piece.
FA 218 Painting 2 Week 6
This week portrait demonstration continued for the Caravaggio piece as student worked on starting their portrait exchange. Painting 1 group worked on the warm cool project.
IL 106 Seq Art Figure Ill Week 6
Tuesday students began work on the Shakespeare Narrative project as grading began for the first project. Thursday students were asked to select and have their research completed for the project. Students were able to see the finished thumbnails for Titus andronicus. Demonstration for mixing pen and acrylic ink was begun for stage 3 mixed media tests.
mixed media,
Sunday, February 21, 2016
FA 106 Color Theory Week 4-5
Week 4 no class week 5 finish up color match presentation and introduce color field theory Face Blot project.
FA 210 Digital Painting Week 4-5
Week 4 completion lab time for wipe out week 5 introduction to myPaint and concepts for project 3 Environment design.
FA 218 Painting 2 Week 4-5
Week 4 demo for wet in wet. Week 5 warm cool demo on Tuesday and Caravaggio demo part 2 on Thursday.
IL 106 Seq Art Figure Ill Week 4-5
Tues week 4 was a working lab for completing the final for Emotion Figure. Thurs week 5 we returned to hold critique for the final and introduce the Shakespeare Narrative project.
Friday, February 5, 2016
FA 210 Digital Painting Week 3
Tuesday and Thursday students worked on completing the course exercises (doodads, brushes) and Grisaille project and process notebook. Introduction of project 2 digital wipe out was introduced.
Digital Grisaille,
digital wipe out
FA 106 Color Theory Week 3
Tuesday the color matching project was introduced. Thursday students turned in their color Triads for grading and began color matching.
FA 218 Painting 2 Week 3
Tuesday students began the transparent Imprimatura (Wipe Out) using only burnt umber. Demonstration continued on completing the wipe out and beginning both Rembrandt and Caravaggio portrait demos. Thursday students completed the wipe out while demonstration began with wet in wet style still life.
Wet in wet,
wipe out
IL 106 Seq Art Fig Ill Week 3
Tuesday students evaluated their stage two roughs with peer groups before choosing one to move over to the final emotion gesture. Students should have a minimum of ten photos to reference for the final. Thursday students had time and models to use as demonstrations for both wet and dry ink media.
Monday, February 1, 2016
FA 106 Color Theory Week 2
Both Tuesday and Thursday students worked on the color triad designs and execution. Color matching will commence next week.
FA 210 Digital Painting Week 2
Tuesday students worked on both the Grisaille project and Brush Control Doodads. Thursday students again worked on the Grisaille and were introduced to the brush panel and the variety of properties that can change a brushes look and application.
brush control,
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