On Tuesday this week students enjoyed a transparent imprimatura (wipe out) demonstration before attending the Art Faculty show in the Juergensen Gallery. Thursday students began their own paintings in the wipe out method.
1. Coat canvas with wet layer of burnt umber oil paint.
2. Draw into the wet paint with the back part of your brush known as the sgraffito method.
3. Once sgraffito is finished begin wiping out light areas of still life composition using a rag. Don't be afraid to over wipe to get strong light areas more paint can always correct mistakes.
4. Begin correcting the wipe out with filbert brush and burnt umber. Pay attention to edges and overlaps to keep soft atmosphere of wipe out method.
5. Readdress the lights using terps and kneaded eraser to strongly removed paint in any highlight areas.
6. Continue push and pull process, adding or removing paint to set up a precise interpretation of the light and shadow pattern of your still life. Always allow yourself to end the first session with more soft edges and extra light wiping, day two is the better time to resolve detail and fix edges/darker values.
7. On day 2 once dry, oil out any areas where you will work or that have sunk into the picture. students may begin to add more highlights using white paint and the scumble method. Remember that the pressure of the brush determines the amount of paint deposited on the peaks and valleys of the canvas weave.
8. Identifiy areas where a second glaze of burnt umber may allow for richer dark values. When addressing any type or lettering on objects always remember to focus on the shapes they create, DO NOT use your handwriting in this picture.
9. Step back assess your work, squint and make sure the value ranges of your painting reflect the still life in an accurate way.