Saturday, October 30, 2010

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 9-10

Week 9-10 Recap- Portrait labs have been our focus for these past few weeks.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 9-10

Week 9-10 Recap - we continued with palette project lab time Due Nov 4th.

FA 211 Printmaking Week 9-10

Week 9-10 Recap - Lab time for the Multi plate and Personal Evolution project.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 9-10

Week 9-10 Recap - We held labs to finish the Harmony/Compliment project the demonstration solution is here. A new project and critique will start on Tues Nov 2nd.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 8

Week 8 Midterm Recap - We held Anatomy lecture on the Features of the face. Focusing on the Proportion, Structure and Tone. Next class on Tues will be another lecture covering other tips on the construction of the head.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 8

Week 8 Midterm Recap - We held another Palette project lab, most students should have finished up painting 1 from this project and moved to painting 2 using the matrix. This image shows step two of glaze palette demonstration. Next week we will continue to work on the palette project which will be due on Nov 4th.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 8

Week 8 Mid Term Recap - We held our final lab for the Pixel Egg/Portrait project, while introducing project 5 Color Harmony/Compliment.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

FA 211 Printmaking Week 8

Week 8 Midterm Recap - Tues we had our final full lab for project 2 Color reduction, while on Wed we held Critique #2. Project #4 Theme: Personal Evolution/Dual Self was introduced. Project 3 Multi Plate print will be due on Nov 10th for critique.

Friday, October 8, 2010

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 6-7

Week 6-7 Recap - Week Six we concluded our leg anatomy lectures with a long pose drawing of the leg on toned paper. Thursday we started the arm anatomy, which we concluded on Tuesday week 7 with another long pose drawing of the arm. Thursday we held the hand and foot anatomy lecture. Next week we will meet on Thursday only and hold part 1 of 2 for portrait anatomy lectures. Finally on Nov 4th students will submit a full value drawing on 18"x24" toned paper of two hands and two feet. This will be a graded drawing worth 50pts.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 6-7

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 6-7

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 6-7

Week 6-7 Recap - Week 6 we continued painting the Color box while introducing the Palette Project. Above are the Style, Palette and Subject boxes that students will use to create three paintings. Midterm grades will encompass projects 1-6 and sketching homework. Week 7 we began planning out the Palette project paintings. Demo 1 and 2 were Shellac Glaze then a Vanitas (1) and a Theme (2). On Thurs. Demo 3 was of a Wet in Wet Mud Palette 3 Object Still Life. Please see the handout on wiggio for more information. The Paintings for the Palette project will be due for critique on Nov 4th.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 6-7

This is the Christopher Walken Pixel Demo

FA 106 Color Theory Week 6-7

Week 6-7 Recap - Week 6 we critiqued our Ink blot project and began working on project#4 Egg/Portrait Pixel Value. Week 7 we continued working on this project and set a deadline for Thurs. Oct 14th. Please see the next post for the demonstration process of the project.

FA 211 Printmaking Week 6-7

Week 6 and 7 Recap - Week 6 we had lab time for project 2 Color Reduction Theme - Ancient Flora Invisible Fauna, while introducing project 3 Multi Plate print with the Theme - Literary influence from Eclectic Flash click link to see the publication.
Week 7 we continued working on both projects and set a project #2 deadline for Wed Oct 13th. On Wed we also attended the Sue Lazon Egypt photography show and lecture.