Wednesday, September 28, 2011

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 6

Anatomy #2 Upper Legs
Week 6 Recap - This week we focused on the Leg Anatomy.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 6

Color Box Start
Week 6 Recap - This week we began the color box still life.  Students are asked to create a painting that focuses on the color light interaction between the objects within the color box.  Quick tip - keep colors organized to avoid muddy colors. Homework #2 is past due...tick, tick, tick.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 6

Pixel Picasso
Week 6 Recap - This week we finished the color field theory color blots and introduced the Pixel project. Next week more colored value dots.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 6

Growth Drawing - Alice?
Week 6 Recap - We had a demo for the Growth drawing project.  Students will create a drawing that measures 4' in any one direction and have at least 3 separate sheets of paper.

FA 105 2D Design Week 6

Isle of the Dead Homage - Arnold Bocklin
Week 6 Recap - This week we again worked on the Space project.  Students should have finished parts 1 (printouts) 2 (thumbnails) and starting 3 (atmosphere study) 4 (final). Critique for the project will be next Wednesday.

Friday, September 23, 2011

FA 105 2D Design Week 5

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 5

Long pose Torso drawing
Week 5 Recap - This week we began the anatomy lectures focusing on the Torso.  Students began taking notes on the muscles of the torso and then drew short poses that turned into longer poses.  This culminated in a Thursday all class pose drawing of the torso.  Next week we will begin drawing the Leg.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 5

Limited Earth Palette Demo
Week 5 Recap - This week we finished up our Tonal Color Paintings and began working on the Limited earth palette project. Students will use Black, White, Alizarin Crimson and Raw Sienna to create a painting with a limited color influence.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 5

Ink Blot and color tests
Week 5 Recap - Tuesday and Thursday we worked on the color ink blot and will critique the success of examples A and B on Tuesday.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 5

Hand - charcoal powder demo
Week 5 Recap - This week we continued working on the mid-term drawings.  An Enlarged drawing of the hand demonstration in Charcoal and Acrylic medium was made.

FA 105 2D Design Week 5

Space study Step 3
 Week 5 Recap - Monday we held critique for the Shape Texture Project. Wednesday we introduced the Space Project and it's various steps.  First we visited the computer lab to print out landscape photos and identify the Foreground, Mid-ground and Background of each.  Step 2 will involve making small thumbnails of deep space, 3 - will be a small painted Aerial Perspective study. The 4th step will be a Final piece that shows deep space according to the rules of AP and design.
Shape Texture Final

Monday, September 19, 2011

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 4

Homework 2 with white

Making sure Comp is improved

Friday, September 16, 2011

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 4

Figure in Space - Exterior
Week 4 Recap - This week we continued working on the figure in space, focusing on the background and creating a narrative space for our figures.  Next week the anatomy lectures begin with the Torso.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 4

Color Tone Demo (Manganese Violet)
Week 4 Recap - This week we worked on the Monochromatic tonal color shift painting.  Students shifted their principal color with a small warm or cool tint.  Wednesday the Limited Earth color Palette was introduced and will begin next week using just 4 colors (Black, White, Alizarin Crimson and Raw Sienna)

FA 106 Color Theory Week 4

Oz - Color Interaction Demo
Week 4 Recap - This week we worked on Color Interaction Project, with an in-progress critique on Thursday.  Project 3 Color Field Theory (Ink Blot) was introduced.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 4

Lost and Found Demo
Week 4 Recap - Monday we had the Knight model pose and Wednesday we had the Mobster model pose.  A demonstration on acrylic lost and found layers and objects was given.  Wednesday was also the Sketchbook homework check #1.

FA 105 2D Design Week 4

Bryan Smith
Week 4 Recap -
Monday we held critique for the Color Wheel project, while Wednesday we began working on Project 3 Shape/Texture. Next week will bring another critique and Project 4 Space.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

FA 105 2D Design Week 3

Week 3 Demo

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 3

Margaret E - Figure in Space

Theresa A - Figure in Space
Week 3 Recap - This week we began placing the figure in space using vanishing guide lines created after drawing a reference figure. Next week we will look at adding a background to these figures.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 3

Starting Block In

Finished Wet in Wet Painting
Week 3 Recap - Tuesday students began the Wet in Wet painting method.  Covering the panel with a White + Burnt Umber mixture, students then blocked in a still life with only burnt umber.  This painting was then slowly refined to a finish by the end of Thursdays class.  On Thursday students were given a monochromatic painting demonstration using only black, white and violet paint.  The beginning approach for the fourth painting was done by drawing with graphite.  The second half of this painting will require that students tone the earlier palette with either a warm or cool secondary influence.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 3

Bison Color Match Presentation

Week 3 Recap - Students finished up their Color Match project and were introduced to Project 2 Color Interaction Matrix.  The demonstration theme was Oz.

FA 202 Intrmt Drawing Week 3

Indiana Steve
Week 3 Recap - Wednesday we had a costumed model with the Indiana Jones theme.  Sketchbook check-off #1 will be Wednesday Sept 14th.  Students should begin their first of the larger portfolio drawings for the semester.

FA 105 2D Design Week 3

Starwars Color "Wheel"
Week 3 Recap - Wednesday we began working on the color wheel project in class.  A brief demonstration was given on painting technique for C3PO. Grades were also given for project 1.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 HMWK 1

Homework 1 - three cubes, cylinders, spheres with wrapping lines

FA 209 Painting 1 HMWK 1

Homework 1 - cube, cylinder, sphere in three compositions.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

SA 300 Italy Week 2

Week 2- An information session was given on Monday the 29th. The course should be open for registration shortly.

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 2

Week 2 Recap - Tuesday we began by making warm up drawings of foreshortened poses.  Thursday we made two long pose foreshortening poses.  One was critiqued and handed in for grading.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 2

 Week 2 Recap - Tuesday we finished working on our Grisaille paintings.  A wipe out method demo was given.  Thursday students began a transparent imprimatura wipe out painting.  A second demonstration was given. Next week we will be adding white to our burnt umber to make a wet in wet painting.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 2

Week 2 Recap - Tuesday we continued matching our color swatches while introducing the concepts of Glazing, Velatura and Scumbling. Thursday was also a matching day, while discussing presentation design.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 2

Week 2 Recap - Monday we continued drawing from our objects and the model.  Wednesday students set their final decision for their object.  Sketchbook assignment handout was given. Demonstrations for finished drawings will be given next week.

FA 105 2D Design Week 2

Week 2 Recap - Monday we continued to work on the Value/Intensity project.  Wednesday we introduced the Color Wheel project and held critique for the Value project.  Next week color wheel lab time.