Friday, April 25, 2014

FA103 Homework 6 - memory draw figure

Here are some progress shots of my homework example using sketches and paper iPad apps

Thursday, April 24, 2014

FA 103 Figure Drawing 1 Week 13

Tuesday students worked on a loose drawing approach to creating figure drawings. On Thursday students worked to observe and then draw from memory the figure while not looking at the model. Homework 6 asks students to recreate the a figure drawing from memory from today's poses.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 13

This week students continued working on final projects. Demonstration portraits feature the complimentary color palette. Red - Green, Blue - Orange, Violet - Yellow

FA 106 Color Theory Week 13

Tues and Thurs students continued working on the final project, parts A (observation) and B (artist analysis) should be complete and part C (interpretation). 

FA 105 2D Design Week 13

Monday students finished work on the Big Small Scale project before holding critique. Students also practiced describing artworks using the Critical Process Worksheet. Wednesday students began work on the final project due for final critique on Monday May 12th.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

FA 103 Week 12-13 Homework Update

Here is Mr. Connor's homework solution - good job Scot!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

FA 103 Figure Drawing 1 Week 12

Both Tuesday and Thursday students worked on Dual Pose drawings. The model rotated between two set posed for the duration of the class. This was meant to prepare students for drawing multiple models in one picture. Homework for shading the 6 parts of light was given with a due date for next Thursday April 24.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 12

Tuesday students held one on one critiques with visiting artist Brian Cirmo before attending the lecture and open reception at the Juergensen Gallery. Thursday students worked on final paintings while also having the option to attend the DGV Tattoo lecture event. Five working class labs remain before final critique on May 8th.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 12

Tues and Thursday students began work on the final project focusing on parts A (observational still life) and B (artist analysis). Students should begin work on part C ( interpretation) within the next week.

FA 105 2D Design Week 12

Monday and Wednesday students worked on the big/small scale project. Context will help to make something big look small and in the second picture make something small look big. Critique will be on Monday. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

FA 103 Figure Drawing 1 Week 11

Both Tuesday and Thursday students practiced making drawings of a walking cycle. The model moved across the room as students made drawings of each movement. Thursdays drawing was collected for grading.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 11

Tuesday and Thursday students worked on the palette project and final pieces. Interviews over progress will be next Tuesday with four weeks remaining before final critique. Demonstration included work on a create destroy create self portrait trying to imitate both Kerry Dunn and Alberto Giacometti 

FA 106 Color Theory Week 11

Tuesday and Thursday students worked on the robot/critter tonal shift project before the critique on Thursday. The final project was also introduced with examples from past semesters.