Friday, March 30, 2012

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 10

Progress shots of linocut demo

Mixed Media Video

This looks to be part tattoo part paint and pretty awesome!
Scott Marr

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Video Post Week 10

Final Demo Stage 1
Don't forget to watch the video demos from this week on my YouTube channel.

SA 300 Study Abroad Italy Meeting 5

Venice painting
Week 10 Meeting 5 - this week we discussed finalizing arrangements for travel to JFK.  We also interviewed each other by way of video journal.  Students will continue to finish this project on our next meeting April 17th.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 10

Photo Reference Demo - Day 2
Week 10 Recap - This week students should be close to finishing their 3 painting and beginning to focus on the last two paintings.  Demonstration was a shellac coated paper with photo reference of a sunset.  Also a color box demo was started on Thursday.

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 10

Color Ribbon Demo - Whale
Week 10 Recap - this week students designed and began painting their color ribbon projects.  On Thursday we held an in progress critique about the effectiveness of each piece.  Students should submit their final ribbon on Tuesday.  The Critter/Robot project was introduced on Thursday and will be the focus of class next week.

FA 105 2d Design Week 10

Atmospheric Perspective Demo - Venice (stage 4)
Week 10 Recap - This week students finished up their Space project.  Working both on their color space studies (part 3) and the final (part 4).  Students should have the project ready to turn in at the end of class on Monday.

FA 106 Color Theory MW Week 10

Ribbon Demo Layout
Week 10 Recap - This week student finished the pixel portrait project and will be introduced to the color ribbon project. 

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 10

Linocut Demo - Tasty Beverage/ the Dude
Week 10 Recap - This week we began finishing up the prints for the Aquatint project, while introducing the linoleum relief project.  Demonstration included an introduction to tools and techniques on Monday and a printing demo on Wednesday. Critique of Aquatint next week.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Course Demonstrations Week 9

Photo Ref Demo - Chainsaw at Dusk
Don't forget to visit the Demonstration YouTube site for video slideshows of this weeks projects.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 9

Caravaggio Style portrait demonstration
Week 9 Recap - This week students continued working on their East vs West, Cyr Mixed Media and Photo Reference projects.  On Thursday students were also asked to submit a paragraph about the subject, palette, approach and technique they plan to use for the final project.

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 9

Whale Ribbon Demo - 2 strips complete
Week 9 Recap - This week students submitted their pixel portrait projects and began designing the color ribbon.  This demonstration shows light, value, color and space. 

FA 105 2D Design Week 9

Atmosphere color study
Week 9 Recap - This week students were asked to finish steps 1-3 of the Atmospheric Perspective project.  1) Print out and identify 3 photos (fg, mg, bg)  2) Create 3 thumbnails that show through value each section of space 3) Create a color study sample with a simple object repeated in each section of space (fg, mg, bg).  Student will next week critique the final piece which will show key knowledge of each step from this process.

FA 106 Color Theory MW Week 9

Dr. Jeckyll - Boris Karloff
Week 9 Recap - This week student began painting the pixel portrait, looking to place various colors in precise value locations to create a portrait.  Next week we will critique this project.

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 9

Aquatint - Still Life
Week 9 Recap - This week we continued working on Project 3 Aquatint (landscape or still life). A demonstration was given on placing the plate in the acid bath.  Students are asked to create five identical prints in this series, using at least two acid dips to create texture and tone for the image.  An in-progress critique will take place on Wednesday.

Friday, March 9, 2012

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 8

Limited Earth palette demo
Week 8 Recap - This week students were asked to submit any additional work done to the midterm critique projects.  Students should be working on projects 3,4,5 at this point.

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 8

Pixel portrait demo
Week 8 Recap - This week students looked to complete their Pixel Portrait project.  The most likely due date for this project will be Thurs Mar 22nd. 

FA 105 2D Design Week 8

Noun Form Solution - Lincoln
 Week 8 Recap - This week students were asked to finish their rough drawing solutions for evaluation on Monday and the final solution was critiqued on Wednesday.  Project 3 Noun Form problem was the final addition to the course midterm.  The Atmospheric Perspective problem was also introduced.  Built in 4 parts students will, Analyze photographs, then create spacial thumbnails, produce a platonic solid color study and finally create a piece that shows the principles of atmospheric perspective.

FA 106 Color Theory MW Week 8

Boris Karloff as Dr. Jekyll
Week 8 Recap - Students finished working on the color blots and began working on the Pixel Portrait project.  The central problem for this project is to show that any Hue can be used as long as the correct values are used, and a portrait will result.

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 8

Landscape Aquatint 11'
Week 8 Recap - This week students made final print preparations for the Critique #2 Hardground on Wednesday.  Students submitted 3 identical prints made from the hard ground acid process.  Aquatint printing process was also further explained.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SA 300 Study Abroad Italy Meeting 4

Week 7 Recap - This week students turned in their tracing journal entry.  In class we discussed JFK travel plans and other questions about travel and tips.  Next meeting will be held March 27th @ 4-6pm in IT 227.  Have a nice spring break.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 7

Cast and Grapes still life - Warm/Cool demo
Week 7 Recap - Tues we began watching the demo video by Donato Giancola and finished up projects 1 & 2.  Thursday we held our first critique for these projects.  Students will still have time to make corrections by Thur Mar 8th for midterm grading.  Tues Mar 6th class will be open lab only.

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 7

portrait to grid transfer
Week 7 Recap - This week we introduced the pixel portrait project.  Students will abstract a photographic portrait reference and make a value based pixel/pointillist piece. This project should be started for grading next week Thurs. Mar 8th. Tues class Mar 6 will open lab only.

FA 105 2D Design Week 7

D Norman - Dali Color Wheel
Week 7 Recap - This week we critiqued both our thumbnails and roughs for the Noun Form composition project.  Students should be ready for final critique on Wed Mar 7th.

FA 106 Color Theory MW Week 7

Hannah Reece - color strips
Week 7 Recap - This week students finished up the color blot project.  On Wed we also attended the International Festival for an hour. The Portrait Pixel project will be introduced next Mon.

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 7

Adaptations Series Prints
Week 7 Recap - This week students continued working on the Project 2 series. Critique for this print group will be held next Wed Mar 7th. Please use lab time to make sure you complete the three identical prints.