Sunday, January 31, 2016

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 2

On Tuesday students and demonstration continued the grisaille painting. On Thursday demonstration began for wipe out painting using burnt umber oil paint only. 

IL 106 Seq Art Fig Ill Week 2

On Tuesday students transitioned from stage 1 thumbnails to stage 2 roughs. Students enlarged the thumbnails and added detail to the best ones. Thursday students saw the demonstration roughs and an introduction to photographing a model for stage 3.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

IL 106 Seq Art Figure Ill Week 2

Here are the early roughs for stage 2.
Tracing from enlarged thumbnails and adding details.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

FA 106 Color Theory Week 1

Tuesday = syllabus, Thursday students began exploring color space working with warm and cool temperatures of all the hues (color families) then exploring value with tints and shades. Finally moving across the color wheel with harmonies and compliments to see intensity changes. Next week color triads

FA 210 Digital Painting Week 1

On Tuesday student reviewed the syllabus and began painting by making digital mixes. Thursday after the geodesic dome brush control exercise students were introduced to the Grisaille observation project. Next week we explore brushes and continue work on the Grisaille painting. 

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 1

Tuesday students from both painting 1&2 groups were introduced to the syllabus and supply lists. Thursday after a short Grisaille demonstration student began painting either the still lifes or their own "Marriage" of objects. 

IL 106 Seq Art Figure Illustration Week 1

Week 1 Recap - This week students reviewed the course syllabus and supply list on Tuesday. While being introduced to the first project/exercise Emotional Figure on Thursday. After reviewing the Creative Process and the Hero's Journey myth student began gestural thumbnails based on emotions chosen from the emotional flower diagram. Students should have 60 total thumbnails finished (20/emotion) by 10 am Tuesday for review.