Thursday, May 3, 2012

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 15

Interpretation - Van Gogh Julia Hudson

FA 105 2D Design Week 15

Final Demo - Peacock and Aliens
Week 15 Recap - This week students worked to finish their final project.  Which should be their respective best piece of the semester. Critique Monday.

FA 106 Color Theory MW Week 15

Bear Interpretation Demo
Week 15 Recap - This week students worked to finish up their final projects for Monday's critique.  Please have everything ready at the beginning of class.

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 15

Relief Poster - Theresa Augustine
Week 15 Recap - This week students relief projects were graded as students finished up printing their final projects.  Students should have 10 dry prints for class on Monday for print exchange and critique.