Thursday, February 23, 2012

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 6

This weeks Portrait Demonstrations
Red Green Palette
Ingres Palette Stage 1

SA 300 Study Abroad Italy Meeting 3

Florentine - St Longinus by Bernini
Week 6 Recap - Venetian or Florentine? students were presented with the problem of combining images and writing for an official journal energy. We will be meeting again next week on Feb 28th.

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 6

Ingres Portrait Demo Stage 1
Week 6 Recap - This week students continued to finish projects 1&2.  Critique for both will be held next week on Thurs March 1st.  Demonstrations included a Green/Red palette portrait and stage 1 of an Ingres grisaille style painting.

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 6

Ink Blot Color Fields
Week 6 Recap - This week students worked on their blots and correcting their colors.  Process: Create 4+ ink blots, Design your layout solution for display, Test colors to achieve (harmony, compliment, vibration, problem A and B), Execute the color schema to the larger blots, Make necessary adjustment to fix color. Due Tuesday.

FA 105 2D Design Week 6

Lincoln - Noun Letter Form Compositions
Week 6 Recap - This week we introduced Project 3 and Critiqued project 2 Color Wheel. Students will create a combination of a letter form and an image that relates.  Students will create 20 thumbnails - 5 rough sketches and One final.

FA 106 Color Theory MW Week 6

Ink Blot studies
Week 6 Recap - This week alternative approaches to designing the layout for Project 3 Color Field Theory project were introduced.  Thinking out side the box, and using various shapes to allow a bit more creative flow to the project. 

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 6

Lori Collins
Week 6 Recap - Monday we watched a few video clips related to Intaglio processes and printing.  Demonstration included printing and asphaltum acid resist Hardground. Wednesday students continued working on project 2 Galactic Debris/Adaptations.  Graded projects were returned.

Friday, February 17, 2012

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 5

Wet in Wet Oil Demo
Blue Orange Portrait Demo

Thursday, February 16, 2012

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 5

Object Demo 3 Wet in Wet Technique
Week 5 Recap - This week students should be finishing up the object studies and hopefully well near finished with the portrait project.  Critique for the first midterm will be Thurs Mar 1st in two weeks.  Demonstrations this week showed Wet in Wet (Tues) and Blue/Orange palette portrait (Thur).  Next week project 3 will be introduced for painting 2 students.

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 5

Ink Blot Color Field Theory
Week 5 Recap - This week students finished project 2 and Color Field Theory problem was introduced for project 3.  Students will create: Ink blots that show color vibration, color harmony and color compliments.

FA 105 2D Design Week 5

Final Letter Form Compositions - Francis Wilcox
Week 5 Recap - Monday we held critique for the final letter form compositions.  Wednesday students began work on project 2 Color Wheel.  A demo was given for project 2 which will be critiqued at the end of class on Mon Feb 20th.  Project 3 Noun+Form Graphic will be introduced on Monday.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 5 MW

Color Strips Demo 2 Sharks and Whales
Week 5 Recap - This week students continued working on the color interaction project and had a demo on the sharks vs. whales composition.  Next week color ink blots and Josef Albers.

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 5

Hardground Acid Demo Stage 1
Week 5 Recap - This week students finished up their prints for project 1 on Monday and we held our first critique on Wednesday.  Students discussed the various aspects of Border, Signature, Ink Quality and Design for each others projects.  Project 2 with the theme of Adaptations or Galactic Debris, was introduced and a demo of the hardground acid etching process was given on Wed.  Students should submit their matted prints for grading on Mon the 20th.

Friday, February 10, 2012

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 4

Portrait studies 4-6
Week 4 Recap - This week Students should have started planning for the final of three object paintings and either the large portrait or series of portrait studies. The second three studies will have complimentary color palettes (b/o, r/g, v/y).
Violet Yellow Demo

FA 106 Color Theory Week 4

Interaction Layout Design Sharks and Whales
Week 4 Recap - This week we submitted project 1 had an overall critique and began work on project 2 Color Interaction. Demo Sharks v Whales

FA 105 2D Design Week 4

Rough Sketch Critique

Final Solutions
Week 4 Recap - On Monday we critiqued our rough sketches and began choosing the best 5 for our final solutions. Wednesday students began finalizing the project. Project 2 Color Wheel was also introduced. Monday Feb 13th will be critique day for our finals.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 4 MW

Color Interaction Demo
Week 4 Recap - This week students submitted their solutions to project 1 color match, while beginning project 2 color interaction. Students will mix color through physical, glaze and optical techniques. Due next week.

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 4

Sancho Copper Plate State #2
Week 4 Recap - This students printed states 1 and 2 for Project 1 Metamorphosis.  Critique for project #1 will be next Wednesday.  As a reminder for students open labs are Wed 5-9pm and Fri 10-3pm.

Friday, February 3, 2012

FA 218 Painting 2 Week 3

Portrait study demonstrations Week 3
Week 3 Recap - This week students should have started the second in the series paintings and hopefully also started planning the portrait project.  Demonstration focused on using the French Academic Palette to make portrait studies. Next week demonstrations will focus on more portraits with a different palette schema and a wet in wet Painting 1 demo.

FA 106 Color Theory TR Week 3

Color Match Presentation Demo
Week 3 Recap -  This week students continued working on the color matches and exercises.  Students will submit project 1 on Tues Feb 7th. Demonstrations this week centered around piecing together the swatch presentation. This included creating a background and adding the color matches.
Introduction to Project 2 Color Interaction also on Tues.

FA 105 2D Design Week 3

Thumbnail Critique
Week 3 Recap - This week we critiqued the 10 Unit thumbnails on Monday and chose which to move to the rough sketch stage.  Wednesday students continued working on enlarging and refining the designs before another critique on Monday Feb 6th.  At the next stage students will choose the best 5 designs to move to the final stage.  Next project will be introduced on Monday as well (Color "Wheel").

FA 106 Color Theory MW Week 3

Color Match Presentation Background
Week 3 Recap - This week we spent both classes continuing to work on project 1 Color Match.  The main demonstrations this week showed (Glazing, Velatura and Scumbling) and (Presentation preparation).
My chosen background theme is Galactic Whale.  The techniques of glazing, velatura and scumbling were used to create the image. Students should have the project completed by Mon Feb 6th.

FA 226 Printmaking Intaglio Week 3

Rough Sketch #1
Week 2 Recap - This week students were asked to complete their sketching for project 1 (Metamorphosis) and received their copper plate to begin scribing their image.  To stay on track with critique dates (Feb 13th) students should have stage/state 1 printed by Mon Feb 6. Students should have two prints of all three stages for critique.