Thursday, November 22, 2012

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 14

Week 14 Recap - students should finish their final palette project piece before starting their final piece. Cast/Portrait will count this semester as extra credit.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 14

Observation Still Life Demo - Beer
Week 14 Recap - This week students began their final project. Three stages are: A. Observation Still Life, B. Artist Analysis, C. Interpretation. Students should have parts A and B finished by the end of next week.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 14

Veteran - Faces Demo
Week 14 Recap- This week students created their final Faces drawing for this semester. Our final theme was veteran recognition. Steve Mazza our regular model served in the Army corps in the late 60's.

FA 103 Figure Drawing 1 Week 14

Scaling Drawing Demo
Week 14 Recap - This Mon students created a dual pose drawing using a scaling strategy. Student will make a second drawing in this style next week.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

FA 104 Figure Drawing 2 Week 13

Rubens hand studies
Week 13 Recap - This week guest instructor Jim Vitale helped demonstrate the arms anatomy lecture and drawings.

FA 209 Painting 1 Week 13

Portrait Demo - Ethan
Week 13 Recap - Student should be finishing up their palette project pieces and starting on the Portrait and Final projects. Demonstrations included an abstract landscape and an Incamminati style portrait.

FA 106 Color Theory Week 13

DeSpain Robot example
Week 13 Recap - This week students worked on finishing up the Pixel and Ribbon projects.  Critique was used to show what work has been done.  Students should start their final project on Tues.

FA 202 Intermediate Drawing Week 13

Barrel of Monkeys paint Demo
Week 13 Recap - After a short baby hiatus we were back to finish up working on the final projects of the semester. Demonstrations will include: Daniel Adel artist style copy, Baby + toys growth drawing/painting and a final piece most likely to be Frankenstein's monster theme. On Monday we will conclude the Faces of the Mohawk Valley project.